HopaSus – A long awaited project in Romania

A new interactive workshop, dedicated to sports teachers, took place at “Vasile Voiculescu” Secondary School, from Pârscov, Buzău County. More than 50 teachers explored the Good Practices Guide, the website and enrolled in the dedicated platform. But the use of digital technology and applications with a sports character in classes were the ingredients that won over the teachers. “It is a joy to be part of this project, we have been waiting for a long time, since the time of the pandemic. I remember how hard it was for us, having no control over our students or the execution of their movements and exercises. Hopa Sus disciplines us, raises our standards and helps us gradually adapt to new challenges, be they digital ones. In this manner we have the chance to learn, and to keep up with the technology and to leave the comfort zone”, declared Aurora Mihalcea, the director of the Vasile Voiculescu secondary school.

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