HopaSus sports workshops in Lithuania

In February 2024, a real sports festival was held at the Mokolai basic school in Marijampolė! 60 schoolchildren took part in sports activities that strengthened not only their physical but also their emotional state. The children tried various sports activities, as well as sports exercises recommended by Hopasus and sports mobile applications-games. For some of the students, this was not the first acquaintance with the Hopasus project, because Marijampolė school has been involved in the implementation of this project before, when a study of physical activity, healthy behavior and posture of children aged 11-15 was carried out. We can be happy that the children are really excited about the opportunity to play sports and do sports in an interesting way and it has some positive results – the Mokolai school team won the sports competition in their region.

In the video – moments from sports workshops in Marijampolė Mokolai basic school.

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