
Spreading the importance of the project and its ideas in Serbia

Professional associate of the SDCS, Aleksandar Ivanovski, held a workshop in Valjevo on the topic “Use of modern technologies in physical education”. Through the lecture on this topic, he highlighted the potential and ideas of the Erasmus+ HopaSuS project. The project’s methods go in the direction of improving children’s physical education, starting from the earliest […]

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HopaSus videos

HopaSus’s guide is nearing completion, and we’re excited to offer you a sneak peek into what’s coming – four informative videos designed to inspire children to embrace a healthier lifestyle: 1 video: What you didn’t know about Hopasus project 2 video: Concrete examples of video games that can be used in physical education 3 video:

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Healthy behavior report: Lithuania

This research provides a thorough overview of the HopaSus project’s in-depth discoveries and insights. Funded by Erasmus+ and employing non-formal educational approaches, this sport-focused initiative unfolded in Lithuania. Its primary objective was to bolster physical capabilities and encourage a wholesome lifestyle among its participants. Within this report, you will find a comprehensive account of the

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Healthy behavior report: Bulgaria

This extensive document provides a thorough overview of the HopaSus project’s in-depth discoveries and insights. Funded by Erasmus+ and employing non-formal educational approaches, this sport-focused initiative unfolded in the vibrant city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Its primary objective was to bolster physical capabilities and encourage a wholesome lifestyle among its participants. Within this report, you will

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How to include video games in physical education efficiently

To include video games in physical education, educators can strategically integrate them into the curriculum. They can choose active games that require physical movements and incorporate them into structured lessons, providing sports-related activities in a virtual environment. Game-based challenges and competitions can promote teamwork, problem-solving, and fitness. Balancing traditional activities with video game sessions allows

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Why is it useful to use video games to encourage activeness kids?

Using video games to encourage sports among kids is incredibly useful for several reasons. These games provide an interactive and engaging platform that captures children’s attention, making physical activity more enjoyable. By combining the virtual world with real-world movements, they bridge the gap between screen time and active playtime. Video games also offer a safe

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